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#Business ID: 38744

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Fully Automated iGaming B2B-CRM Platform & Company For Sale

Business Location: Berlin, Germany

Asking Price: € 150,000 Revenue: € under 100k Cash Flow: € 0 to 100k

Business Summary

This is an innovative company based in Germany, founded in early 2023, offering a cutting-edge API platform that automates game-related data exchange between iGaming operators and providers. The platform drastically reduces manual processes, boosting transparency and efficiency in game integration.

Key Highlights:

- Revolutionary API Technology: Reduces game setup time from 15-30 minutes to just seconds.
- Market-Validated Solution: Endorsed by multiple iGaming operators and game providers.
- Cost-Efficiency: No revenue-sharing model, making it more affordable for clients.

Company Details:

- Founded: January 2023 (registered in April 2023)
- Location: Germany
- Ownership: 100% sole proprietor
- Sale Type: Asset sale

Financial Overview:

- Initial Investment: €85,000
- Monthly Expenses: €4,390
- Revenue Model: Recurring subscription fees (€450 per client/month)

Growth Potential:

- Geographical Expansion: Plans to enter markets in Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
- New Segments: Exploring social gaming, blockchain, and skill-based gaming sectors.

Strategic Growth Plan:

- Market Expansion & Partnerships: Targeting new regions and building alliances with iGaming associations and game developers.
- Product Development: Ongoing feature upgrades, AI-driven analytics, and stronger cybersecurity measures.
- Marketing & Sales: Digital marketing, industry events, and expanding sales force.

Team & Transition:

- Team: Owner and two experienced freelance full-stack developers.
- Transition Support: Up to 30 days of sales and operational training by the owner, with ongoing developer support.

This B2B platform offers an efficient, scalable solution for the iGaming industry with solid growth potential, flexible pricing models, and a strong strategic roadmap. An excellent opportunity for investors looking to capitalize on a fast-growing sector.

Please contact us for further information.

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Reason For Selling:

Sellers flips businesses for a living.

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