#Business ID: 15799
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Business Location: Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Asking Price: $ 15,000 | Revenue: $ under 100k | Cash Flow: $ 0 to 100k |
Half way along Serendipity Beach road, 350m from the beach.
Long tiled shop, newly painted, with glass front, change room and bathroom.
Other clothing shops in town all buy stock from bangkok or Phnom Penh, our range is different, made locally and reasonably priced.
Massive potential for online sales and export.
3 retail staff and also 5 seamstresses and 2 tailors
10am- 10pm
All designs, patterns and existing customer base. Help or information with all licences and requirements for operation of business in Cambodia.
I am moving to another province to continue with the setup and expansion of an international preschool.
Follow your passion - find and buy the business that fits your dream. Buy it Safely!!