Business Summary
A web-based application for creating a roommate finder and roommate search service. Site members can search and post their profiles, photos and videos, contact other roommates, list rooms, apartments and other property types to share and shared properties in specific countries, regions or worldwide.
What's included:
- Open source code of the software;
- Complete copyrights.
The product lets users find options for rent or lease and look for roommates. Due to a big amount of additional functions, Roommate Finder Solution allows to make such service convenient, interesting, easy and attracting for most of site visitors.
The product gives easy administration for the service; allows to manage users, payments, contents, statistics and much, much more. No need for customers to have specific programming knowledge.
2 website interface languages: English and Russian. The script content can be edited and translated to new languages through administration panel.
Roommate finder website solution works and allows accepting payments via most reputable payment gateways: 2CheckOut,, E-Gold, PayPal, USAepay, WorldPay, CCBill, ChronoPay, PaySat, e-Sec, iPos, Webmoney and SmsCoin. Process with USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, JPY, RUR or UAD.
No programming skills are required for to launch and manage the roommate website.
Reason for Selling: Company has many different software products for various online business areas and is now looking to focus on its main products. The rest are put up for sale.
Property Details
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